August 2, 2016
Bloomberg Media made the following announcement today:
On the heels of last week’s announcement “Bloomberg Radio Joins Radioplayer” comes additional news about the 24-hour business station’s global expansion. Powered by more than 2,600 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries, Bloomberg Radio is now available on Apple Music free of charge and is currently featured within the new radio tab as a global business and financial news channel. It can be accessed in 100 different countries including the U.S., Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Argentina and even Zimbabwe.

For more than 20 years Bloomberg Radio has been known for its breaking business coverage, global news, market updates and interviews with economists and world leaders. As Apple continues to innovate with new apps and products, we are excited to be able to offer their customers new ways to engage with Bloomberg Radio and other Bloomberg content. Bloomberg apps are available on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV.
Top Bloomberg news journalists including Tom Keene, Michael McKee, Carol Massar, Cory Johnson, Kathleen Hays, Pimm Fox, June Grasso, Bryan Curtis, Doug Krizner, Ed Baxter, Caroline Hepker, Karen Moskow, and Bob Moon have interviewed guests on Bloomberg Radio including: Former President Bill Clinton; George Soros, the billionaire best known for breaking the Bank of England; George Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece; Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund; and former Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke and Dr. Alan S. Greenspan.
Bloomberg Radio is available locally in New York City (1130AM), Washington D.C. (99.1FM/105.7 HD2), Boston (1200AM/94.5 HD2), San Francisco (960AM/103.7 HD2), London and Hong Kong so listeners can get up-to-date information 24 hours a day – including its signature “First Word” programs, covering breaking market news from around the world. The network can also be heard nationally on SiriusXM Channel 119, globally via the Bloomberg Radio+, I-Heart and TuneIn apps for iPhone and Android users. Finally, Bloomberg Radio custom reports, market minutes, and programs are carried on more than 200 of the most influential radio stations across the country including the CBS and I-Heart radio groups.
– Lauren Meller | August 2, 2016