February 19, 2016
Have you ever tried to persuade three generations of one of Italy’s most famous families that it’s a good idea to take a stroll outside in the rain?

The Lamborghinis discussed family values and their expanding business.
Fortunately, Tonino Lamborghini, Ferrucio Lamborghini, Luisa Lamborghini, Ginevra Lamborghini and Elettra Lamborghini have all inherited warmth, adaptability and an entrepreneurial spirit that has helped drive the Lamborghini family for over eight decades – and through a two-day shoot with Bloomberg Media Studios.
Watch: At home with the Lamborghini family from Bloomberg Media Studios and UBS
The family’s story is part of Bloomberg Media’s partnership with UBS and the bank’s ‘Together’ campaign, which explores complex life questions around family values, legacy planning and our impact beyond our business lives.
Since Ferruccio Lamborghini founded his tractor company in 1948, the Lamborghinis have weathered changes to their eponymous business. For two days of filming in Bologna, the family and Bloomberg Media Studios’ creative directors Calum Youngson and Dave Hodgson weathered a dark Italian villa and drizzly skies.
“We wanted to show the warmth and emotion between the Lamborghinis, but we were contending with some of the worst weather,” Youngson said.
Shot in and around Palazzo del Vignola – the Lamborghinis’ 15th-century Renaissance manor house – the final film looks airy and light, thanks to Youngson and Hodgson’s direction and post-production wizardry.
“We were also lucky that the family made time for us. Sometimes it’s 50/50 with how much time people have to spend with us on shoots, but they were fully available and really open for the experience,” Hodgson says.
Interviewing the famous family was not without its challenges either. Arif Durrani, commercial editor in EMEA, says with differing levels of English, the original question-and-answer session had to be much more flexible.
“It was a great challenge for our new team, but crucial for us to bring to life UBS’s themes through one of Italy’s most famous entrepreneurial families,” he said.
Watch: At home with the Lamborghini family from Bloomberg Media Studios and UBS
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