October 27, 2020
Bloomberg Green, launched in January 2020, is the only global media brand dedicated to shedding light on solutions at the intersection of climate and major societal issues — from healthcare and social justice to infrastructure and energy. Wth the need for such reporting in sharper focus than ever before, the platform has seen strong engagement. To learn what audiences can expect in 2021, we sat down with Lauren Kiel, General Manager of Bloomberg Green.
Q: What makes Bloomberg Green different?
A: In building Bloomberg Green, we took a hard look at what else is happening in the space of climate and we realized that no one had the same scale and knowledge pool. We’ve been reporting on climate for a while, so Bloomberg has a reputation in the space, but no one fully reflected our abilities of storytelling, the breadth and scale of our journalists globally, and the access to data and analysis that we have through our Bloomberg Intelligence and Bloomberg New Energy Finance teams. We realized that we had the ability to take a holistic, science-backed approach that would differentiate us.
We’ve also been fortunate to have senior leadership that is fully committed to Green. They know that climate is something that deserves more than a special report – it’s something that needs to be talked about every day on every platform that we have.
Q: This year has presented unprecedented challenges, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. Why is climate an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to?
A: If anything, this year has shown us how much climate is intertwined with all other stories. Every big headline this year – from the pandemic to the wildfires to the new ways we are living and working – has a climate implication.
We’ve paused our world and have a chance to rethink the status quo in a way we don’t usually get to. We have the opportunity to rebuild a greener economy that’s prepared for long-term growth and addresses those intertwined matters, like environmental justice.
Q: Why should business leaders make climate a priority?
A: For business leaders, climate and sustainability are a fundamental responsibility. Making climate a priority has both an intrinsic and extrinsic value. We’ve seen the impact on everything from a company’s ability to recruit and retain employees to their ability to outperform their competitors.
This year, as many companies are taking a second look at their budgets, they can even think about sustainability as a way to save money in the long run.
Every company should be working on this issue, and while some are more vocal than others, it’s a critical part of finding effective solutions.

Q: What are you proudest of from year one?
A: What’s most impressive about the first year of Bloomberg Green is that a majority of it has come to life in a post-Covid world. We launched on January 21, less than two months before all of our worlds changed. We had so many grand plans for this brand, and it’s incredible to see that those plans did come to fruition and that Bloomberg never wavered from its commitment.
Our amazing editorial team produced a brand new sustainably-printed magazine entirely from home. Our Bloomberg Live team pivoted plans for an in-person summit into a week long virtual festival with an incredible lineup of speakers. The new reality we are living in afforded us the opportunity to bring in speakers and attendees from around the world, which showcased how truly global Bloomberg Green has become.
Seeing the way our team has pivoted to make Bloomberg Green a reality and being able to meaningfully collaborate with all of our Founding Partners–Amazon, HP, JLL, Tiffany & Company, PGIM–during a pandemic has been phenomenal.
Q: What can readers expect from Bloomberg Green in 2021?
A: For 2021, we’re excited to continue building the Bloomberg Green brand and to take advantage of all the platforms we’ve developed. Less than a year ago, all of this was theoretical. We wanted to create a digital site, a newsletter, a TV show, live events, radio segments and podcasts — and now it all exists, and we’re able to see our audience engagement continue to grow.
We’re also looking forward to continuing to work with our incredible partners. We spanned industries and created a real commitment to advance climate solutions and climate journalism. It’s been great to work with them through our unique partnership model that aims to bring change in an area that’s so fundamental to the existence of the planet and the future of our lives.
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